Child Care
United child care center is accredited by:
United Child Care Center
Meal Program
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
• Milk served to one year olds must be unflavored whole milk.
• A one-month transition period is allowed for children 24 months to 25 months old. They may have whole or reduced fat (2%)milk as they transition to low-fat(1%) or fat-free(skim) milk.
• Flavored milk, including flavored non-dairy beverages, cannot be served to children 1 through 5 years old.
• Fat-free flavored milk and flavored non-dairy beverages can be served to children 6 years and older, as well as adult participants.
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
• Tofu credits as a meat alternate
• Yogurt must contain no more than 23 grams of sugar per 6 ounces
• Soy yogurt may be served as a meat alternate
• Deep-fat frying and submerging foods in hot oil or other fat must not be used to prepare meals on-site
• M/MA may be served in place of the entire grains component at breakfast a maximum of three times per week
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
ï‚· Fruits and vegetables are separate components at lunch, supper and snack. A vegetable is required at lunch and supper.
ï‚· A fruit and a vegetable can be served as a snack.
ï‚· Juice may only be served at one meal or snack per day.
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
• At least 1 serving of grains per day must be whole grain-rich
• Grain-based desserts are not creditable
• Breakfast cereals must contain no more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
Updated Infant Age Groups:
ï‚· Birth through 5 months
ï‚· 6 months through 11 months
Additional Infant Meal Pattern Changes:
ï‚· Meals are reimbursed when a mother breastfeeds on-site. This includes meals when an infant is only consuming breast milk.
ï‚· Yogurt and whole eggs are allowable meat alternates
ï‚· Ready-to-eat cereals may be served at snack
ï‚· Requires a vegetable or fruit, or both, be served at snack for infants 6 - 11 months old when developmentally ready
ï‚· Juice, cheese food or cheese spread are not allowable
ï‚· Parents/guardians may provide only one meal component
United Child Care Center meets all of USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Requirements. Please click for details.
The new CACFP meal patterns lay the foundation for a healthy eating pattern for children and adults in care. USDA also developed optional best practices that build on the meal patterns and highlight areas where centers and day care homes may take additional steps to further improve the nutritional quality of the meals they serve. The best practices reflect recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the National Academy of Medicine to further help increase participants’ consumption of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and reduce the consumption of added sugars and saturated fats.