Child Care
United child care center is accredited by:
"Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be. "
- Rita Pearson
About Our Programs
Much thought and research has gone into the Programs offered by United Child Care. We have carefully selected a combination of principals from the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies.
Infant, Toddlers & Two's Program
The Infant Room Program is based in large part on the principals of "Responsive Care Giving". Infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds grow best when they are loved, cared for and valued as unique individuals. We seek to provide children with high-quality care in a responsive learning environment.
"Responsive Care Giving" model has 6 key components:
Responsive caregiving is essential to children's growth and development
Trust is the cornerstone of healthy relationships
Children need stable and secure early care and learning environments
Children are ready and eager to learn
Play is central to children's learning
Responsive caregivers collaborate with families to support children's growth and development
The early chilhood years are our best opportunity to build a solid foundation for children's success in school and in life. Each aspect of a child's development and learning is important and affects other areas. New research on the brain and on learning shows how important the early years are in a child's learning and development.
Our curriculum therefore outlines objectives in all areas of development and learning:
In order to accommodate the needs of parents and families, United Child Care offers before- and after-school programs. The programs are designed to allow kindergarten and school-age children to balance learning and fun through a variety of experiences. The curriculum is based on a framework determined by the Wisconsin Afterschol Network ( WAN) and is intended to complement the core subjects that children learn in school.
The 9 core principals are:
Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
Arts and Culture
Global Learning
Health and Wellness
Media and Technology
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Social Emotional Development/Character Education
Environmental Learning
Service Learning