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"Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be. "
- Rita Pearson
About Our Programs

Much thought and research has gone into the Programs offered by United Child Care. We have carefully selected a combination of principals from the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies. 




Infant, Toddlers & Two's Program

The Infant Room Program is based in large part on the principals of "Responsive Care Giving". Infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds grow best when they are loved, cared for and valued as unique individuals.  We seek to provide children with high-quality care in a responsive learning environment.


"Responsive Care Giving" model has  6 key components:

  • Responsive caregiving is essential to children's growth and development

  • Trust is the cornerstone of healthy relationships

  • Children need stable and secure early care and learning environments

  • Children are ready and eager to learn

  • Play is central to children's learning

  • Responsive caregivers collaborate with families to support children's growth and development




The early chilhood years are our best opportunity to build a solid foundation for children's success in school and in life. Each aspect of a child's development and learning is important and affects other areas.  New research on the brain and on learning shows how important the early years are in a child's learning and development.

Our curriculum therefore outlines objectives in all areas of development and learning:

  • Social-emotional

  • Physical

  • Language

  • Cognitive



In order to accommodate the needs of parents and families, United Child Care offers   before- and after-school programs. The programs are designed to allow kindergarten and school-age children to balance learning and fun through a variety of experiences. The curriculum is based on a framework determined by the Wisconsin Afterschol Network ( WAN) and is intended to complement the core subjects that children learn in school.

The 9 core principals are:

  • Language, Literacy, and Numeracy

  • Arts and Culture

  • Global Learning

  • Health and Wellness

  • Media and Technology

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

  • Social Emotional Development/Character Education

  • Environmental Learning

  • Service Learning

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